Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Welcome Aboard

We are off to a good start of our trip.  Our limo driver arrived almost 40 minutes early.  He figured we would have a lot of luggage and need the extra time to load up the trunk.  Had a nice ride to the airport no traffic and arrived 2 hours before our flight.  Had my “pat down” and we had a light breakfast.  Plane on time.  Good flight but I must say that this is the second time Crystal has put us on a “commuter plane” from LA.  And I must say even though we were in what they call coach plus these planes remind me of the Little People Plane that the kids play with.  We had plenty of leg room but let me tell you these planes are not meant for ‘big’ people”.  Tight tight tight was the word but it was only for a 55 minute flight so it was manageable.  Just reminded me for the world cruise in 2012 that I did the right thing by getting my own air!  Arrived in LAX where we were greeted by  Crystal staff who saw to our luggage as we waited for the bus.  Meet some very nice people from Tucson AZ.  Arrived at the ship in time for our traditional lunch in the main dining room with our glasses of champagne.  Of course I had two since Bill does not drink.  Bill had the salmon and I had the filet mignon.  Diane I thought of you when I had the creme carmel!  We then went to our stateroom and low and behold all five checked bags and our two carryons where there.  This trip was a little different.  Bill usually heads to the cigar bar and I unpack but he helped me and we had the room whipped into shape in no time.  Decided to leave all the cold weather clothes in the duffel bag and had our stewardess Rubi put it in storage for us until the next leg of this journey.
After a trip to the computer room to have my laptop configured it was time for dinner.  There are only 400 people on board so they are doing an open seating 7-9pm anytime you want to eat.  You have the same table each night which I love because the waiters and senior waiters learn all your prefrences and they are waiting for.  We have the same waiter we had on our November Panama canal cruise Zolton and he was fabulous.  After being hugged and kissed by Remi the maitre d’hotel we had a great meal.  Not that hungry after our big lunch so I opted for pasta.   Now I know my kids are going to be extremely disappointed but no food pictures, actually no pictures at all as I forgot to put my small  camera in my bag.  Oh well.  Anyway we headed to the casino for a little while and I mean little I lost my $100 in no time squeesed out another $10 and won my $110 back.  Good for tonight we are exhausted.  Headed to bed by 10pm this is a first for me!  The funny thing got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and walked right into the wall.  Thought I was home and had a ways to go to my bathroom not so here.  So no pictures and today is a nice relaxing sea day.  Tonight is the first formal night!

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