Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Jan. 22, 2011 Puerto Montt, Chile

Finally able to upload 2 pictures from Santiago.  The  first one is the President;s  house and the second the race track took me almost an hour of computer time so no more for a while.

Today we were in Puerto Montt, Chile this is the lake district and you can see that as you head out of town to the lake districts the houses get bigger and the people have more.  They told us that the Chilean government gives everyone $14,000. to put towards a house after you saved up $2,000.  The poor people can buy a small house for $16,000.  Of course these houses if the people have the money beforehand is only $8.000 and they don’t have any heat.  they said you wake up in the morning and put on your jacket and only take it off when you get in bed at night.  One of the lake towns we went to is Very German.  They had lots of Germans migrate here many years ago and there are bakeries all over.  We went on a lovely tour and then stopped at an open air museum of what the houses and shops looked like in the 19th century.  Bill and I opted not to go and went to a few artisan shops and the bakery instead.  One of the women on our bus fell and we are not sure if she broke her ankle or not.  We all had to wait for the ambulance to take her to the hospital.  The ship was late leaving.  We were suppose to leave at 5pm but we didn’t get back to the ship until almost 5pm.  Anyway the poor women was not making the ship and will hopefully catch up to us in Puerta Arenas.  We have two sea days and the Puerta Arenas were we are going to see the penquins.  I think  I wrote yesterday that  will not be able to do a tour to see the penquins in Falkland Islands but Bill will do it.  ANyway today was a great day except for the poor lady.  I was so thankful that it was not me who fell and broke something.
Tomorrow we will be going through the Chilean Fjords don’t know what to expect except we might lose satelight reception.  
Big problem tomorrow we have dinner at 8:30 and that is when the NY Jet game is so we asked our Matre” D  if he would deliver to the Theater.  He is the one who was routing for New England because Tom Brady’s parents have cruised here a few times. And before we gave him his tip last time we asked who he was routing for and he quickly said NY Jets.  he learns fast@  Anyway he told us to come to the early dinner tomorrow and he will find us a table so that is solved now pray we have reception or Bill is going to be one unhappy camper.  
We are having a marvelous trip and I am not even writing about the food!  Tomorrow at 9:15 I have my hot stone massage and Bill has a deep tissue one.  Ah this relaxing is exhausting.  After that there will be a Jazz Brunch with Mimomas

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