Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday January 8, 2011 somewhere over the rainbow

Okay no pictures of food today I promise.  I have bigger fish to fry today!
We had a great sea day and tonight we both had the Wiener Schitznel and it was probably the best I have ever had.  

That’s it for food.  I think I told you yesterday that my RENTED Scooter konked out by the elevator on our way to Prego the speciality Italian restaurant.  Well this morning the bell hop comes up and tells me that my scooter will not charge and it is not working.  I am not a happy camper after walking all over the ship last night I had a terrible night of pain and up and down.  And we don’t get into a port until Tuesday so 4 days of no scooter.  I already sent an email to the travel agent telling her to notify them and that I am not paying for days I can’t use! 
But the bellhop came to my aid.  He said we happen to have a spare scooter.  It is not as heavy duty as yours but you can use it. When I saw the scooter it  jarred my memory and then I remember when we were on in November I spoke to the women who owned this scooter.  She was a lovely women but quite sick and was traveling with a nurse!  Low and Behold she is the woman who DIED on the last full day of the cruise!  Crap I am now driving the scooter of the dead women and if that wasn’t bad enough there was her luggage tag from AA airlines.  Angela---.  So just remember if you are having a bad it could be worse you could be driving a dead women’s scooter!
Now I just hope that this scooter is not cursed.  So from now on if I post food pictures or any pictures you are all to suck it up because I could be the next casualty on Crystal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight was our first informal night and we both looked good and I wanted to get someone to take our picture but Bill was on a mission to eat as fast as he could and get to the cigar lounge to watch the Jets/Colts game.  I on the other hand went to the casino where my friend Natalie she has been on the ship almost every time we are on including Serenity.  She is a casino manager she verified that I was driving a dead women’t scooter..........  After loosing my money I decided enough of this maybe I will just retire to the room update my blog and read.  Bill has just come in to tell me that the Jets won with no time left on the clock.  Whatever the hell that means.  Go Jets!  Luke and Logan and Chris you guys must be excited!  So I am going to sign off now and relax!!!!!  All I can say is taking prednisone while on a cruise is not a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night all.

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