Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Jan 7, 2011 Cabo San Lucas

What a great day we had.  We started the day with breakfast on our veranda and then went into Cabo.  When we were here in November I didn’t ask about the scooter and the pier is sooooooo long that I couldn’t make it to the shops and headed back to the tender and ship.  Today I asked and the great crew carried my scooter down the flight of steps and right onto the tender for me.  It was great I scooted all over Cabo and went to look at a new pair of diamond earrings to replace the one I lost.
  I decided to wait since I can’t have the ear fixed anyway so I will wait till the summer and go see Sal!  We then had lunch as I promised Bill he could have his fish taco since he didn’t get it in November because of the timing.  So he had a great fish taco and I had chicken fajiatas I must say they were the best I have ever had!  We then went for cigars and headed back to the ship.  Once onboard the ship we stopped and spoke to some people we met last night at the Captain’s party and then it was time to change for dinner in Prego!  Prego is the Italian restaurant on board and it is under the direction of Piero Selvaggio of Valentino restaurant in LA and Las Vegas.  On our way to dinner the scooter just stopped it had run out of power even though it still showed green so we pushed it into the corner by the elevator and called the great bell hops who came and took it downstairs to charge and they will deliver it outside my stateroom in the am.We had a great dinner.  Bill had linguine with clam sauce, proscuitto and arrugala.  I had the favorite Veal Parmagian.  After dinner we hit the casino and didn’t do to well so we went to the show.  Tonight was a comedian and musician and it was quite good.  After the show we went into the casino again and pooled our money and hit enough to play for awhile.  When we left I had lost 7 dollars.  Not bad.  Too many days on this ship to gamble alot too often!

Tonight we have been informed that the course we are taking we will probably lose our internet and tv reception so if you don’t hear from us that is the reason.
Tomorrow evening I have a feeling it is going to be a rushed dinner as the Jets are being shown on tv at 7pm and dinner starts at 7pm.  GO JETS!  We are starting our 3 days in a row sea days so I should have plenty of rest.  What I don’t understand is that I am relaxing and sleeping much more than I do at home and I am still tired.  All this relaxing is exhausting!  I am not posting any pictures of Cabo since I posted them on my November trip so I only have pictures of food.  Hey Chris, Luke and Melissa there is nothing else here I promise when we get to the penquins no food!  Chris and Luke this veal was to die for!  Well I am going to wrap it up as this is the second night out of 5 that we have to move our clocks ahead one hour!  so goodnight all.

For some reason I am not able to upload photos tonight so you luck out.  good night all

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