Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday January 13 enroute to Gyayaquil Ecuador

It seems I had the wrong date yesterday opps!  Today we had another sea day but we crossed the Equator so they have a ceremony for people who have never crossed before these people are called Pollywogs and they must report to King Neptune's court where they plead their fate.  Our stewardess Rubi was charged with short sheeting the beds and making the beds when someone gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  They throw all this colored stuff on them make them kiss a fish and then throw them in the pool.  It is really quite funny as most of the workers have never seen and are all happy and smiling and don't know what they are in for.  The captain on this ship is a great sport as he let them do it to him and throw him in the pool.  There were King Neptune Coolers to drink.  I know it had pinapple juice, rum and medori liquor.  Good.  After lunch Bill went to a lecture and I went to lie down.  Didn't have a good night last night.  Had a message and in the middle of the night I had such pain and cramps in my legs so I was a little tired.  After about 30 minutes and not sleeping I decided I would take myself to the shops and see what was new.  Tonight was an Informal night and we had reservations in Silk Road the Nobu Japanese Restaurant and Sushi bar.  We meet a very nice couple from Halifax and asked them to join us.  Smart move they are big Sushi eaters.  I had tempura veggies to start and Bill had 9 different sushi.  Eel, yellowfin, salmon and I am not sure what else.  I am trying to download the picture but it is not letting me so maybe tomorrow.

Anyway tomorrow we will be in Ecuador and no Galapagos so we are going to a Coastal Hacienda Experince.  We will then have a sea day on Saturday and Lima Peru on Sunday.  The seas have been really calm.  And really enjoying have hardly any passengers it is like having our own yacht~
Not letting me post any pictures so until tomorrow ..  Good night

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