Monday, January 24, 2011

Chilean Fjords Monday January 24, 2011

Good Morning.  The Internet is working so I wanted to publish a few pictures of the Chilean Fjords.  They are breath taking not quite as good as Milford SOund and Dusky Sound New Zealand but maybe because they were the first time we had seen them.  We will be in here until about 5:30pm (2 hrs ahead of NY Time) then we go back into the rough seas and it will be rough just when we have a cocktail party tonight for Cruise Critic.  captain says it will be rough till about 10:30pm and then we will start to head into the Straight of Magellan.  Tomorrow we will be in Punta Arenas and we have our Penquin tour and I can't wait.  This is so relaxing but tomorrow even though they made arrangements for my scooter will be exhausting but in a great way.  Luke, Chris, Logan sorry about the Jets but at least they came back and tried!    The humidity here is so much my hair looks like an AFRO~  Everyone is complaining.  Me I am keeping it natural during the day.  Melissa I wish I had your curls it is just big!  Not sure when I will e able to post again.  It let me post pictures immediately yesterday and my friend Keith showed me how to  do the pictures so they are smaller and download easier.  Tried that the other day would not work but it worked this am so I am a happy camper.  We are off to breakfast want to enjoy this beautiful scenery and the water is calm like a lake!

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