Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday January 18th enroute to Valparasio Chlle

Still no photos.  I did speak with the tech guys and I have an appointment to go up there tomorrow and they will try to help me so that is good  Didn't have time today.  tomorrow i have the third of my three hot stone massages for this trip and then I am relaxing while most people are busy packing up to get off the ship on Thursday.  We are going on an all day trip into Santiago Chille on thursday.  You can tell we are not in the calm waters.  Since we got on board you can hardly tell you were on a ship it was a smooth as glass today it has been a little more pitching I beleive is what the Captain called it.  Bill made fiends with the captain tonight,  The girl who does my massages his is the hid cruise I have been lucky enough to have Camilla anyway she told me the captain loves cars. Bill had a classic car magazine that he was finished with so he brought it with him to th cocktail party and old the captain he was welcome to it but did he want Bill to put it at the front desk for him.  His eyes got as big as saucers and he he said NO NO I will take it now thank you and proceeeded to put it under his arm as he welcomed more people he was so funny he was afraid he wouldn't get it!

Tonight was the last formal night of this cruise and had my favorite dessert baked alaska!  Tomorrow is the last sea day.  The water will be getting rougher the farther south we go.  So far it is great for sleeping it rocks you.  So until I get the picture situation straightened out no pictures again........ I know you are all sad but wait there will be plenty and I want them before we get to the penquins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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