Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday Jan 11, 2011

Today we are in Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica
We decided not to go in today as it is a tender and it is a 15 minute tender ride and another 45 minute shuttle ride to the town.  We have been to Costa Rica twice before, just in November where we did a tour of a coffee plantation.  From a friend of mine from Cruise Critic who went into town there really was nothing there except souvenier shops so I am glad that I saved my strength and didn’t go.  I am really disappointed our full day in Galapagos has been cancelled.  Something with the charter plane and having to shorten the trip and most people saying nevermind so we will just have to go to the Galapagos on a different trip!  Not worth getting upset over something I can’t control.  Wo I don’t know what is happening to me I must be getting OLD where has all these patience come from????  Anyway this is a really relaxing trip and I really needed this.  I have read 5 books so far and I need to download some more.  Maybe I will go see what they have in the library!   
Bill decided that since he was not going into town he would go for a pedicure.  He had one in November and just loved it. I on the other hand had the task of doing laundry.  One great thing between being so empty and a port day I was the only one in the laundry room.  In between I have been sitting on the veranda reading and I started to nod off okay all this RELAXING is exhausting!  Time for a nap~~~.  more later .  We did go to the tea today because if it is not the chocolate tea I can say no to the desserts.  I really wanted a little something after my nap so I had a few finger sandwiches and a blueberry crumble.  Tonight the entertainment is a magician.  I am not sure if I will go not truly fond of magicians but hey it is something to do so I probably will go.  We have booked another trip for Ecuador to take the place of the Galapagos really wanted the one to the Inca ruins but of course that was another one you had to preregister for and was sold out they did have one to Quinto but that is 9000 feet and not for people with breathing difficulities!  Had a lot of trouble getting on the internet today I am writing this in pages and then I will copy and paste to the blog better way if I can’t get on.  We will now have 2 sea days tomorrow is our 2nd of 3 formal nights for this segment and the Crystal Society Members cocktail party!  Both Bill and I have hot stone massages booked so that is good and then I will have the hair done.  I realized when I unpacked that one large pile of stuff I needed is still sitting on the bench in our closet.  Almost all my capri sets and most of my hair stuff.  No Morroccan Oil no moose oh well.  I even forgot toothpaste.  I have never in all the years I have been traveling has this happened.  Lots of night time wear very little day wear so I will just have to sent out to cleaners and do laundry.  NO WORRY BE HAPPY.  Okay I am now even starting to scare myself I am so calm.......
Sunset from our balcony
 Papagayo Costa Rica

Bill enjoying his sugar free baked apple and ice cream dessert

my chocolate mouse, bavarian cream yogurt and citrus.
Tomorrow we will cross the Equator and I promise some pictures for all you  Polywogs!

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