Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I've fallen and I can't get up Again.

I’ve Fallen and I can’t get up again.
Okay today was a lovely day through the Fjords but around 11:30 we came out into the rough seas.  We were sitting in the Palm Court at the top and front of the ship till almost 1 pm it got a little rough up there so I had to go see the excursion desk and Bill was going to the gym to work out.  I decided to go for lunch in the Main Dining room.  Remi saw me pull up on my scooter and ran out and escorted me to a table.  He said please don’t leave until one of us helps you back.  I was pondering the menu when Bill came in.  The gym was closed because it was too rough.  Anyway we were watching the waves and commenting that the waves in the Tasmanian Sea in Australia were worse when this huge wave came and crashed over the whole window it was awesome.  After lunch we headed back to the cabin to drop off our books and we were on our way to the movies when I started to pull into the elevator the ship lurched and the scooter and I went over.   I hit my side on the fire wall (doors) and a couple of people heard the crash and came running.  Our stewardess ran and called the emergency. So did another guest and i was told not to move.  So here I lie on the floor right outside the elevator.  Bill and another Man lifted the scooter and pushed it out of the way.  One lady got off the elevator looked at me lying there with all the people around and was visibly perturbed that she had to walk around.  It was quite funny if my arm, shoulder and knee didn’t hurt so much  I would have laughed.  Meanwhile here come two nurses and the bell hop and a wheel chair.  they made me move my arms and legs then had me sit up.  One two three they lifted me and sat me in the wheelchair.  Then they pushed the button for the elevator it stopped a lady got off and just stood right in front of the doors so that we could not get it and the doors closed.  I swear these idiots walk amongst us and they don’t even know HOW STUPID THEY ARE!  They wheel me into the medical center leave me in the wheelchair and say they will be right back just then we hit another big wave and the wheelchair starts rolling Bill and the nurse had to catch it.  Now she leaves Bill holding the wheelchair with my cane~~~~  Doctor comes in moves everything and decides he doesn’t think I broke anything just badly bruised.  I could have told him that in fact I did tell them that.  Anyway they gave me a shot of anti-inflammatories which I think is cortisone and at 10pm I can either take 4 advil or my vicoden.  I have the penquins in the am so advil it is.  I rested the rest of the afternoon and decided to get dressed and go down to dinner there outside my door where they put all the mail is an envelop addressed to me and there inside is a get well quick card from the Hotel director.  I ventured outside the cabin and there was our little stewardess wondering how I am.  When we came back after dinner since I really started to hurt and decided I couldn’t go to the show were 2 chocolates on my pillow and 2 and Bills.  She said we needed some more sweets after our experience.  so I am taking my advil and then I will have a cookie that Zolton our waiter packaged up for me.  We were going to just have a cookie for dessert and he told the headwaiter Albert that we didn’t like the dessert menu and he made crepes suzette with vanilla ice cream for us.   Well I am starting to feel pain so I am going to copy this and try to download some more pictures.  The rainbow was from our balcony and it went all the way around.  i stood out there taking the picture and singing “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”  Good night.
My thought for the day today is “Thank God I’m fat if I was skinny I probably would have broken my elbow, collar bone or knee or maybe all three!!!!!!!

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